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Empower Yourself As You Navigate Your Perimenopausal -ADHD Journey.

Welcome To The Peri-Peri Club - Where spicy brain meets spicy body.

Discover plenty of podcasts, support groups, and advice tailored for women on their own Peri-ADHD journey.

Whether you are undiagnosed, diagnosed, medicated or not all are welcome, loved & supported here.

Are you a woman aged 35-50, navigating this unique journey of perimenopause while having to deal with ADHD your whole life?

Your symptoms are next level. You think you are crazy, your body is changing - you have no fucking idea what the fuck is going on with yourself.

Sweetheart - You're not alone, and I am here to support you every step of the way.

The Peri-Peri Club is a haven for spicy women like you who are seeking wellness, balance, and empowerment during this transformative phase of life.

As a successful businesswoman aspiring to achieve a harmonious work-life balance, I understand that you face a unique set of challenges that most would not.

From managing your career and family to coping with perimenopausal symptoms, ADHD and all the STUFF.

As a motivated mum that gets it - this space is here to provide guidance, resources, and support to help you thrive.

It's a place where you can connect, learn, and grow. Self-improvement, and personal development, are at the for front, as well as practical advice on managing symptoms, reducing stress, and pursuing financial independence.

Join me in embracing this phase of life with confidence, achieving work-life-family harmony, and working towards getting through together.

Explore the resources, and toghether lets embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Welcome to the Peri-Peri Club – where your well-being is top priority.

person in black long sleeve shirt holding babys feet
person in black long sleeve shirt holding babys feet
a woman sitting on a couch looking at her cell phone
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brown tree

Empowering Spicy Women

Welcome to a supportive community for women where ADHD & Perimenopause collide.

Find podcasts, groups, and expert advice to help you navigate your journey. Just know you are not alone on this journey.

So reach out for a chat. Lets start a revolution to growth, wellbeing & successful navigation.

a woman sitting on a couch looking at her cell phone
two person holding papercut heart
two person holding papercut heart

"This page has been a lifesaver for me! So much valuable information and support. Thank you Taryn."


Life-changing reviews

hands formed together with red heart paint
hands formed together with red heart paint

"I am so grateful for finding this website. It has truly made a difference in my life. Taryn is amazing & jsut wants to make your life better".


Empower Women

Webinars and Podcasts for
ADHD and Peri-Menopause
a row of bras hanging on a wall
a row of bras hanging on a wall
red box mod vape beside e-juice bottles
red box mod vape beside e-juice bottles

Perimenopause Fact Sheet

Perimenopause is the transitional phase leading up to menopause. During perimenopause levels of oestrogen and progesterone, two key hormones start to fluctuate and reduce. This can cause women to start to experience menopausal symptoms whilst they are still having periods. Perimenopause can last for years (sometimes up to a decade) before menopause.

Our services are designed to help with your transition through this stage. Through our private consultations we support you to understand your changes and where necessary create treatment plans to alleviate your symptoms.

Key facts on Perimenopause
  • Perimenopause is when a woman experiences menopausal symptoms but is still having periods.

  • It occurs around the age of 45 but can be earlier.

  • Fluctuating hormones mean symptoms often come and go.

  • For women aged 45 or older diagnosis is based on your symptoms – not blood tests.

  • Each woman is different and will experience different symptoms.

  • You don’t need to experience hot flushes or night sweats as some women won’t ever experience these.

  • Your periods don’t need to have stopped for you to receive treatment.

What are the symptoms of Perimenopause?

Some of the 34 symptoms can include:

  • Sleep Problems

  • Fatigue

  • Mood Changes – mood swings/sadness/low mood/depression/irritability/anger

  • Itchy Skin

  • Joint and muscle pains

What treatments are available for Perimenopause?
  • Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT)

  • Non-Hormonal Treatment including menopause cognitive behaviour therapy.

  • Lifestyle Treatment – to treat physical changes often triggered by the hormonal changes in perimenopause.


What is the difference between Perimenopause and Menopause?

Perimenopause is the transition period before menopause when a woman’s fertility hormones begin to decline. Here women can begin to experience menopause symptoms when they are still having periods. Perimenopause occurs around the age of 45 but can be earlier and can last for many years before menopause.

Menopause is a single moment in time that marks one year after a woman’s final menstrual period. Typically occurs around the age of 51.

How do I know when I’m in Perimenopause?

For most women, perimenopause occurs around the age of 45 but can be earlier. Perimenopause symptoms can begin up to a decade before menopause. So if you are aged 45+ and are experiencing some menopausal symptoms it’s likely that you are in perimenopause.

Contact Me

If you need some advice,

Would like to work with me,

Want want to know more about what I am doing in this online space, or

Want just someone to talk to.

Reach out & Lets Pave Our Own Way In This Crazy World.

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