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Motivated Mum
DISCLAIMER: The Motivated Mum brand website, blog, store, & social media accounts may contain affiliate links, through which I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Additionally, Motivated Mum sells digital PLR, & MRR products, with 100% profit . Due to the nature of the business, I am unable to offer refunds, but happy to discuss any issue you may be having. Motivated Mum also provides information & supports business & people that I know personally or follow closely on social media & recieve no benefit at all from these links - it is just for the inbetterment of this community. Motivated Mum holds no resposibility for them & their business - it is purely reccommendations. Motivated Mum is also not a finacial, medical or legal professional so all advice & guidance is purely my prespective. Seek Professional advice & guidance. By browsing this site you are agreeing & undesrtand all of these terms & Conditions. I really appreciate your support.
Thank you Taryn aka Motivated Mum