red chili pepper with green leaves

Peri Club | Where Spicy Brain Meets Spicy Body

Are you a woman aged 35-50, navigating this unique journey of perimenopause while having to deal with ADHD your whole life?

Your symptoms are next level. You think you are crazy, your body is changing - you have no fucking idea what the fuck is going on with yourself.

Sweetheart - You're not alone, and I am here to support you every step of the way.

The Peri-Peri Club is a haven for spicy women like you who are seeking wellness, balance, and empowerment during this transformative phase of life.

As a successful businesswoman aspiring to achieve a harmonious work-life balance, I understand that you face a unique set of challenges that most would not.

From managing your career and family to coping with perimenopausal symptoms, ADHD and all the STUFF.

As a motivated mum that gets it - this space is here to provide guidance, resources, and support to help you thrive.

It's a place where you can connect, learn, and grow. Self-improvement, and personal development, are at the for front, as well as practical advice on managing symptoms, reducing stress, and pursuing financial independence.

Join me in embracing this phase of life with confidence, achieving work-life-family harmony, and working towards getting through together.

Explore the resources, and toghether lets embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Welcome to the Peri-Peri Club – where your well-being is top priority.

pile of chili
pile of chili

Our Mission

Empowering women with ADHD in the perimenopausal stage of life to achieve wellness, balance, and personal growth while navigating the complexities of life's transitions with grace & support.

Our Vision

A world where every nerodiverse woman in the perimenopausal stage of life has the resources, community, and support to embrace change with confidence and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.