choose your Wellbeing Interest....

PeriMenopausal- ADHD Woman

Your Safe Space is here!!!

This is all the he;pful info that I get and I want to share with you.

So if you are ADHD or Perimenopausal or both...

we;come, strap in its a cracra ride.

sliced lemon and red handled red handled red handled red handled stainless steel spoon
sliced lemon and red handled red handled red handled red handled stainless steel spoon

Anxiety & Depression?

With a life time of experience - I understand

So here are some great resources that I have found have helped.

black and pink star print board
black and pink star print board

Type 2 Diabetic?

This is the space to learn all about your diagnosis, get some support and information from reputable sources and not feel so alone in this crazy world of sugar and carbs.

sliced vegetables
sliced vegetables

inner bloom

white and yellow daisy flowerwhite and yellow daisy flower

choose your

supportive community...

yellow smiley emoji on gray textileyellow smiley emoji on gray textile

tool for motivation


The information and advice provided on this website reflect my personal insights and resources that I have found valuable.

However, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice.

Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance and treatment.

a group of people holding a yellow sunflower
a group of people holding a yellow sunflower