Three Types of Therapeutic Writing You Can Try Today

There are times when everyone finds themselves in need of help and support.

2 min read

person opening book near coffee cip
person opening book near coffee cip

There are times when everyone finds themselves in need of help and support. For many this will simply take the form of a friendly ear to listen, but for many it will be necessary to find a professional to talk to. Therapy is very beneficial but can often prove costly. There is a simple and free way to give yourself some do-it-yourself therapy with no cost. This should not take the place of professional therapy but will help you gain some understanding of your problems and help you decide whether you need to see a professional therapist.

Writing as therapy is used by many professional therapists due to its simplicity and power. You can harness that for yourself. All you need are a pen and some paper or, better still, a notebook.


The best known form of therapeutic writing is journaling. This can be done to be record things such as:

· Weight loss

· Food intake

· Pain

· Gratitude

· Health

· Exercise

· Mood

Free Writing

This type of writing is extremely cathartic. It simply involves writing without thinking or stopping to edit. Basically you take the opportunity to dump your mind on the page.

The most important point to remember is to give yourself privacy so that you don't feel constrained by the presence of others and to keep your writing private. This will ensure you feel secure and safe to write whatever you need.

Letter Writing

Letter writing might seem to be a lost art and outdated but it is actually another powerful form of writing with extremely cathartic and therapeutic powers.

Writing a letter to yourself, a loved one, friend or someone with whom you are having a problem can really help to clarify the problem in your mind. It helps you to think through issues and to rationalise them. Often the very act of writing the problem and suggesting a solution can help you achieve peace and come to terms with it.

You don't actually need to send the letter. Often it will be best not to if you have written in anger. The act of writing will have helped lessen the anger which was the purpose of the exercise.

The reason writing is such a powerful therapeutic tool is that it allows for observation and tracking over a period of time. This provides the ability to track thoughts and feelings on a regular basis. Triggers can be identified as well as patterns.

By writing you create a connection between your inner self and your outer self. The mind-body connection is known to be very powerful so by externalizing your inner anxiety and issues you are taking a conscious positive action to improve your situation.

If you want to relieve stress, gain clarity on your problems and solve them then why not pick up a pen and start writing? Another unexpected benefit is that you will probably find that you get to know yourself better.

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