Take Action – Whether You Feel Like It Or Not…

How often do you wake up ready to take over the world but something happens, and you quit altogether?

5/4/202411 min read

brown wooden letter i and i love you letter
brown wooden letter i and i love you letter

How often do you wake up ready to take over the world but something happens, and you quit altogether? Perhaps you get sleepy and decide to work later. Or a friend calls and you decide to go out instead of taking the action you’d planned on. After all, you only have one life. While it's perfectly fine to take a break from time to time, it shouldn't become a habit.

Procrastination, analysis paralysis, and perfectionism are your worst enemies. Not to mention stress, which can discourage even the most motivated person. One thing is for sure. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and it's up to you how you use them.

What Keeps You from Getting Things Done?

According to various reports online, a staggering 26 percent of people are chronic procrastinators. Up to 95 percent of students have this tendency as well. Studies indicate that procrastination rates have more than quadrupled in the last three decades.

The tendency to postpone things affects not only your job or career but also your relationships and your big dreams for the future. Over 40 percent of those facing this problem have experienced financial loss because of it. Procrastination can ruin careers and relationships, and even wreak havoc on your health.

Different people procrastinate for different reasons. Some blame stress and fatigue. Others are feeling overwhelmed by work, or waste precious time on meaningless things that drain their energy.

Another common cause is analysis paralysis, which occurs when you become so lost in the process of analyzing things that you eventually give up. It's the state of over-thinking a situation, which keeps you from getting anything done.

Let's say you're planning to start a new business. You make a plan, assess your budget, and research the market. However, you're never satisfied with the results. You either find flaws in the project or believe that you could do things a lot better. As a result, you make no decision. You keep postponing your project over and over instead of taking action.

The truth is that most people are afraid of making a wrong decision. However, some take this fear to a whole new level. Surprisingly, this often applies to the brightest professionals. Intelligent people are particularly prone to analysis paralysis due to their tendency to overthink.

Perfectionism and analysis paralysis are strongly connected. Since there is no such thing as perfection, you’ll never be satisfied with the result. The fear of failure can hold you back and stop you from launching a business, going back to college, stopping a bad habit, or making your dreams come true.

One last reason why we procrastinate is plain laziness. Sometimes, you simply don't feel like working - and there's nothing wrong with that. Just make sure it doesn't become a part of your daily routine. Taking a day or two off is good for both your mind and body. It boosts your productivity and motivation, sparks your creativity, and gives your brain a well-deserved break.

Ideas pop up when you least expect it. The highest flow of productivity comes when you’re 100% focused on the task. You might not find your "Why" right now, but this doesn't mean it's not there. Find your inner drive, take action, and plan your time wisely.

Ready to stop procrastinating and get things done? Try these strategies!

Prioritize the Most Important Tasks

Most researches agree that our willpower is limited. Think of it as a phone battery. As the day goes by, your willpower decreases. It's strongest when you wake up in the morning and gets weaker every hour. Every decision and task drain your "battery."

That's why experts recommend starting the day with your most important tasks. Have a big project that needs to be ready by 7 PM? Wake up one hour earlier than usual to get things done. This way, you won't be facing tight deadlines or feeling stressed about the whole thing.

The most successful entrepreneurs are notorious for being early birds. Jack Dorsey, original CEO of Twitter, was known to wake up at 5 AM. Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, rises at 3:45 AM.

These people wake up early in the morning for a reason. That's when they have the most willpower and are less likely to get distracted. Plus, it allows them to exercise, meditate, and plan the day ahead without feeling rushed.

Take a Break from Social Media

Time flies when you're browsing your social newsfeeds or watching the latest Youtube videos. In 2023, the average person spent 143 minutes per day on social networks. Those who have an office job spend even more time online.

Perhaps social networking is part of your job. SEO, digital marketing, advertising, and other occupations rely heavily on social media. However, it's one thing to use these platforms for business, and another thing to waste hours checking up on your friends and what they're doing.

Set a time limit for your daily social media usage. Nowadays, there are all sorts of apps that block distractions, such as Focus, Cold Turkey, Anti-Social, and Self-Control. Some will even count your "active" minutes, so you'll know exactly for how long you've been working.

Change Your Environment

Sometimes, it's your work environment that keeps you from getting things done. After all, who wouldn’t get bored or distracted when spending every single day in the same place?

Different environments impact our productivity in different ways. Consider changing the scenery from time to time. Go to a local park or a co-working space. Redecorate your room and eliminate the clutter. If your boss allows it, go to work at a café or work from a home office. If they see a rise in your output, they’ll be more likely to continue to allow you to work in these locations.

Prepare for the Unexpected

Most of us have a work calendar full of appointments, Zoom meetings, and other responsibilities. Problems arise when you least expect them. Your child gets sick, a co-worker is late getting their part of a project completed, or you have an unexpected meeting you must attend. The worst part is that these things happen when you're the busiest.

To counteract the probability that the unexpected will happen, start taking action on your tasks right away. Don’t wait until you have to pull an all-nighter to finish the job. This way, you'll get things done and stick to your schedule no matter what. Plus, you’ll feel less stressed and have peace of mind knowing that if the unexpected comes along, you're prepared.

Fulfill Your Basic Needs

When was the last time you had a good night's sleep? What about your exercise routine? We get it. Life is busy. And skipping a workout or a meal isn't a big deal. But, if it becomes a habit, it can hurt your productivity, mental focus, and motivation.

Sleep deprivation, for instance, has been linked to poor work performance, difficulty concentrating, and reduced creativity. It also weakens your immune system, heart function, and mental health, which further affects your ability to take action on your most important goals.

In a study, subjects who got less than seven hours of sleep per night were three times more likely to develop a cold. Poor sleep may also lead to chronic fatigue, hormonal disorders, anxiety, and depression. Plus, it affects your problem-solving and decision-making skills.

No matter how many obligations you have, make health a priority. Exercise every day, even if it's just for 10-15 minutes. Get at least seven hours of sleep and take a nap if necessary. Eat well and stay hydrated. Whenever you skip a meal, your blood sugar drops. That leads to diminished mental focus, tiredness, and lethargy.

Find Your Motivation

Motivation is what keeps you going. If you're stuck in a rut, set short-term and long-term goals. For instance, you could tell yourself that if you finish that difficult project on time, you'll book a trip over the weekend. Reward yourself for getting things done.

Look for inspiration around you. Set new goals or start working on a project you've been postponing for years. Build anticipation and picture yourself succeeding.

Share your goals with other people, whether it’s your family, friends, or co-workers. When you commit publicly, you're more likely to get things done. After all, you don't want to look bad in front of others.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know these tricks it's time to try them out! More importantly, celebrate your achievements, big or small, rather than worrying about your mistakes.

Remember, time is your most valuable asset. Use it wisely and stop procrastinating. Your work will never be perfect. You are not perfect. Nobody is. Do your best with what you have and make improvements along the way. Having a brilliant idea is not enough. The only way to bring it to life is to take action.

In Summary

Start the Day with Important Tasks:

o Wake up early to maximize productivity and avoid stress.

o Prioritize tasks that need to be completed to prevent tight deadlines.

Manage Social Media Usage:

o Set time limits for social media to avoid distractions.

o Use apps that block distractions and track online activity.

Change Your Environment:

o Consider different work settings to boost productivity.

o Eliminate clutter and redecorate your workspace for better focus.

Overcome Procrastination:

o Identify reasons for procrastination, such as fear of failure or perfectionism.

o Take action even when you don't feel like working to avoid delays.

Manage Willpower Throughout the Day:

o Understand that willpower decreases as the day progresses.

o Prioritize tasks when your willpower is strongest in the morning.

Prioritize Health and Well-being:

o Get enough sleep (at least seven hours per night) to maintain focus and productivity.

o Exercise daily, eat well, and stay hydrated to support mental and physical health.

Find Motivation:

Set short-term and long-term goals to stay motivated.

o Reward yourself for completing tasks and share goals with others for accountability.

Prepare for the Unexpected:

o Take action on tasks promptly to avoid last-minute stress.

o Be prepared for unexpected events that may disrupt your schedule.

Avoid Analysis Paralysis:

o Don't get lost in overthinking and analyzing tasks.

o Make decisions and take action rather than getting stuck in the planning phase.

Celebrate Achievements:

o Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, big or small.

o Focus on progress and learning from mistakes rather than dwelling on failures.

By incorporating these key takeaways into your daily routines and mindset, you can effectively combat procrastination, improve time management skills, and work towards achieving your academic and personal goals.

Self-Assessment Survey:

Action and Motivation


For each statement, rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means "Strongly Disagree" and 5 means "Strongly Agree." Be honest in your responses to get the most accurate insights.

1. I often find myself taking action towards my goals, regardless of how I feel.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

2. I set clear daily or weekly goals that prompt me to take action.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

3. I have a consistent routine that helps me stay on track with my goals.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

4. I can overcome feelings of laziness or procrastination when I think about my long-term objectives.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

5. I am able to prioritize my tasks effectively, focusing first on those that are most crucial to my goals.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

6. I regularly review and adjust my goals to ensure I am making progress.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

7. When I face setbacks, I am quick to regroup and take action rather than dwelling on the obstacles.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

8. I seek support or resources when I feel unmotivated, which helps me get back on track.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

9. I reward myself for taking action towards my goals, even on days when I feel unmotivated.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

10. I reflect on my progress regularly, which motivates me to continue taking action.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree


41-50 points: You are excellent at taking action towards your goals, regardless of your motivation levels. Continue refining your strategies to maintain this strength.

31-40 points: You generally do well in taking action but sometimes struggle when motivation dips. Focus on building resilience and finding motivation in small successes.

21-30 points: You have a moderate approach to action; however, fluctuations in motivation significantly impact your productivity. Consider establishing stronger routines and accountability measures.

11-20 points: You often find it difficult to take action when not motivated. Work on setting smaller, more achievable goals to build your confidence and momentum.

1-10 points: Taking action is a significant challenge for you, often hindered by low motivation. Start with very small steps and gradually increase your goals as you experience success.

Taking Action Whether You Feel Like It Or Not – Affirmations & Actions

Affirmation #1: I have the power to take action today and move closer to my goals.

Action: Set a timer for 15 minutes and start working on the most important task related to your goal.

Affirmation #2: Every small step I take today makes a big difference in my journey.

Action: Identify one small task you can complete today that will contribute to your larger goal and do it.

Affirmation #3: I choose to take action now, even if I don't feel ready.

Action: Write down what's holding you back and address it with one simple step that you can take immediately.

Affirmation #4: My actions define my success—today, I act with purpose.

Action: Make a to-do list for the day that aligns with your long-term goals and prioritize these tasks.

Affirmation #5: I am stronger than my excuses; today, I prove it.

Action: Identify a common excuse you make and tackle a task you've been avoiding.

Affirmation #6: Today's actions are the seeds for my future success.

Action: Plant a literal or metaphorical seed by starting a new habit or project that benefits your future goals.

Affirmation #7: I am committed to progressing, no matter how small the step.

Action: Break down a larger goal into a small, manageable step and complete it today.

Affirmation #8: My dreams deserve my effort and action today.

Action: Dedicate at least 30 minutes today to work specifically on a project that moves you closer to your dream.

Affirmation #9: I am capable of more than I know—today, I explore my limits.

Action: Challenge yourself with a task slightly outside your comfort zone and reflect on the learning outcome.

Affirmation #10: I embrace the challenge of today; it strengthens my tomorrow.

Action: Choose a difficult task you've been putting off and tackle it head-on today.

Affirmation #11: Each action I take infuses my life with energy and purpose.

Action: Start your day with a quick physical activity to energize yourself before tackling your tasks.

Affirmation #12: Today, I am a doer, not a dreamer.

Action: Complete a project phase or task you've only been planning or thinking about up until now.

Affirmation #13: I convert my thoughts into action and my action into success.

Action: Choose one actionable idea from your thoughts or notes and implement it today.

Affirmation #14: Every moment is a chance to move forward—today, I seize these moments.

Action: Set reminders to take regular short breaks to reassess and refocus on your tasks throughout the day.

Affirmation #15: I am focused on my goals and nothing can distract me today.

Action: Turn off non-essential notifications and commit to a distraction-free work session.

Affirmation #16: Action is the antidote to doubt; today, I act with confidence.

Action: Write down three achievements that prove your capability and refer back to them whenever you feel doubtful.

Affirmation #17: Today, I choose progress over perfection.

Action: Submit a piece of work or complete a task that you've been perfecting unnecessarily.

Affirmation #18: My determination today determines my success tomorrow.

Action: Set a clear and ambitious goal for tomorrow and prepare all necessary materials to achieve it today.

Affirmation #19: I take action now because my dreams can't wait for the perfect moment.

Action: Identify a goal you've postponed waiting for the right time and take the first step towards it today.

Affirmation #20: Today, I am unstoppable in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.

Action: Spend time today working passionately on a project or hobby that truly excites and motivates you.

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