How To Tell Better Stories

Introduction: This report includes nine powerful tips and three actionable steps you can take immediately when it comes to: How To Tell Better Stories

9/5/20233 min read


This report includes nine powerful tips and three actionable steps you can take immediately when it comes to:

How To Tell Better Stories

It also includes a list of suggested readings for even more information.


Do you know how to tell a story? Not enough people know how to tell a good one. People often stumble over their words or, worse yet, never get to the point. Being a good storyteller takes some work, but it pays off! Here are some tips to help you tell better stories.

1. Know Your Audience

Telling a good story is much easier when you know your audience well. It allows you to deliver your story more meaningfully and connectedly. You know what people will want to hear - and just as importantly - what they don't want to hear.

2. Grab Their Attention with a Hook

Telling your story chronologically with a detailed backstory will likely elicit some yawns. Start your story by grabbing people's attention. Think about an exciting opening that will get people hooked. Once they are hooked, you can fill in the details.

3. Keep It Simple and Concise

The longer you draw out a story, the more people will tune you out. When preparing your story, consider how you can get the most impact with the least amount of words. This can be accomplished by choosing strong adjectives and inflecting your voice.

4. Know What Emotions You What to Evoke

You draw the listener into the scene before them by including emotional elements in your storytelling. They should feel what you felt at that moment! This will keep them more engaged and eager to hear more.

5. Avoid Speaking in a Monotone

No one wants to listen to a story told in a monotone voice. Vary the volume and cadence of your speech. Don't be afraid to get animated. Speed up for the exciting parts and slow down for the dramatic ones.

6. Don’t Rush the Delivery

You may feel a little anxious when delivering your story. That's natural. You should be sure to slow down your speaking tempo, so you don't rush through your story. People will either tune out or miss something important if you speak too fast.

7. Make Eye Contact and Use Your Hands

You may lose your audience if you never look at them. By making eye contact, you bring them into your story. They become part of the process and will trust what you share more than if you don’t look at them.

8. Practice Is Key

Athletes and musicians will tell you that the key to their success has little to do with talent and much to do with practice. They spend hours practicing moves, scales, or whatever else they need to perfect. Storytelling is no different. You will get better at telling stories the more you practice Get out there and start telling more stories!

9. It Is All About Connecting with Others

Telling a story is not about placing yourself in the spotlight. It is about engaging others around you. No one enjoys listening to a self-serving story at a dinner party. Others want to share stories, too, and yours can be a great starting point for others.


1. For the next ten days, write down one thing that happened to you during the day. It doesn't have to be extraordinary. Try to jot down the memorable things.

2. Research talks and speeches online. Apply what you learn. Note the differences between those who keep your attention and those who don’t.

3. Record yourself practicing your storytelling. Replay it and look for areas to improve upon. For example, were you rushing through the delivery? Was your tone engaging?

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