How To Start Meditating

A quick guide to getting started with meditation quickly, easily and free.

6/7/20242 min read

woman in brown knit sweater holding brown ceramic cup
woman in brown knit sweater holding brown ceramic cup

How To Start Meditating

Getting started with meditation is a lot easier than you may think. There isnt any special equipment you need to buy or classes you should be taking. While buying a book, a guided meditation audio recording or an app for your smartphone are certainly options, you dont even have to do that to get started. Ill share everything you need to know to get started meditating right here in this post.

Start by getting comfortable in a spot thats as free of distractions as possible. You want to sit down either on a chair with your feet firmly planted on the ground, or sitting cross-legged on the floor. If you sit on the floor, youll be more comfortable if you sit on a cushion. Its important that you can sit in whatever position you choose comfortably and that youre keeping your back straight. Slumping may make you sleepy while you meditate, and bad posture may cause you discomfort after a while.

Before we start with the actual meditation, lets get back to distractions. In the beginning, you want to cut as many of them out as possible. Choose a quiet spot where no one will interrupt you. Turn off the ringer on your phone, close the blinds if you think it will help to create a calm and soothing space. You wont always have to go through all this trouble to meditate because, after a little practice, youll be able to do the little meditation exercise Im about to share with you anytime, anywhere. But like any new skill, meditating can be a little hard in the beginning. It sounds simple enough, but its easy to get distracted. Thats why its important to set yourself up for success by cutting out any distractions you can.

Heres how to meditate. Sit down, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Notice how the air flows in and out of your nose and mouth. Try to think of nothing else. This is the hard part and something that takes practice. Start meditating for a few minutes here and there and increase the time as you move along. Dont judge yourself when your thoughts stray. Keep bringing yourself back to the sensation of the breath anytime you notice that youre thinking of something else.

Thats all theres to it. Getting started with meditation is simple, but like any new skill, it takes practice. Be patient with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Stick with it and keep practicing these new meditation skills. Youll be glad you did.

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