You Might Feel You Lack Control in Your Life Because Your Motivation Isn't Big Enough

3/22/20245 min read

shallow focus photo of black SLR camera on white wooden shelf
shallow focus photo of black SLR camera on white wooden shelf

We all have big dreams when we're kids.

Many of us have some dream life we're trying to create. That's not true of everyone.

Life can be so demanding and hectic that you put off worrying about the things that are important to you. You'll get to them later or not at all.

This reality exists for many people. Others feel they have no control because they're not asking enough of themselves.

They are content to get by. This is not the person they always were. They had big dreams and big plans. Then life did what it inevitably does to a lot of us. It got in the way. After years of living an okay but not great life, those dreams and plans don't seem so realistic.

That's because the current reality doesn't support the belief that something wonderful can happen. The person in this example decides to be happy with their "good enough" life rather than fighting for the "life I really want" existence.

They may feel out of control, but they begin not to care. This is sometimes the product of insufficient motivation.

Multiply Your Motivation

Right now, you might feel like you're working for nothing. You don't put much into the bank at the end of each month. You've got a little bit of savings but nothing substantial. You have to keep going to work every day to get by.

What if you saw your job as something that could get you where you want to go? Instead of using weekly and monthly bills as motivation, you mentally attach your career to some big goal.

You multiply your motivation.

The person who goes to work to pay the bills doesn't have much motivation to get promoted and accept new responsibilities. The person whose motivation is to retire in 20 years with a specific lifestyle in mind will look at their job differently.

With added motivation comes control. The more you're motivated to do, the more responsibility you feel you have. You begin to look for ways that you can control the things you need to make your dream a reality. This doesn't happen when you have small motivation. Your motivation must be big to erase that out-of-control feeling that small thinking can lead to.

This Former Coffee-Hawker Says You're Not Thinking Big Enough

When Michelle Gass ran Starbucks, she helped the company move into 33 countries. When she first joined the coffee-based firm, she was asked to get behind a new drink. Starbucks had just launched the Frappucino, and Gass was ordered to develop a growth strategy to make the drink popular.

What began as a side item now earns Starbucks more than $2 billion annually. That's the income from just one drink. To say that Gass' efforts worked out is obvious.

She had long ago come up with a belief about how to approach achievement. It can help with personal and career goals. Men and women of all ages and levels of education and success can use the same idea. It’s powerful in its simplicity.

What was the approach she took that created such a winner for Starbucks? It's one she's used successfully in her career working with many Fortune 500 companies. She says her mantra is ...

"Let's think of how big this can be."

She's a firm believer in thinking big. A lot of leaders will tell you this. If you're going to dream, why not dream big? It doesn't make any sense to think small when thinking big doesn't take any more effort.

It’s up to you, really. If you have a task or responsibility, shoot for the moon. You get to choose what you strive for in life. Aiming for big results can make your world better for you and everyone you care for. Accomplishing great things feels so rewarding. You might even surprise yourself with what you’re able to accomplish.

To start seeing the world as incredibly abundant. Don't think of lack or just enough to get by. Think much bigger and envision big change rather than small, insignificant change. Imagine big things in your life. What you consciously tell your subconscious ends up as action. Your subconscious drives your actions, and your actions are what create the reality in your life.

Gass knows this. When Starbucks purchased Seattle's Best Coffee, she employed her "think bigger" mantra. In just a single year, she took Seattle's Best from 3,000 distribution points to over 50,000. That's what happens when you think big.

If you want big things in your life, you've got to think big. Dare to think bigger than you could possibly imagine. Even if you come up short, you will have achieved so much.

5 Things You Need to Have to Reach Your Big Dreams

When you’re chasing your dreams, the only thing you want to hear is secrets on how you can reach them. You’re looking for an expert or a genie in a bottle who can tell you, “This is how you can get to your dreams. I promise it will work.” Here’s the thing: That doesn’t exist. Every person is different, and every dream is different. While you can’t rub a genie’s lamp and have your dreams appear in front of you, you can practice having these five things in your life to make reaching them more manageable.

1. Belief in Yourself

If you don’t believe in you, how will anyone else? It’s hard to overcome self-doubt, but once you do, you’ll be succeeding in ways you never imagined possible. Take some time every day to instill a sense of belief in yourself—you’ll be surprised at how quickly it starts working! A straightforward way to do this is to track all the small gains you make towards your goal each day. Looking back at that daily reminds you that you are making progress.

2. New Perspective on Failure

Failure is a good thing. Yep, you read that right. There’s nothing wrong with failure because it is 100% a learning opportunity. When you fail, you learn how to do better, how to persevere, and how to work harder to get to the place where you want to be.

3. Vision for Yourself

If you don’t know which way you’re going, how will you get there? Come up with a game plan for yourself, and make sure it’s specific. Don’t just say, “I hope I can get a promotion.” Say, “I will take these steps over the next 4 months to get the promotion I want and deserve.” Practice saying that affirmation whenever self-doubt starts to bubble up.

4. Understanding of Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Sometimes, you need to delegate. Other times, you need to take the talking stick and run the meeting. If you want to make it big, you need to know what you’re good at—and what you’re not so great at. We all have strengths and weaknesses, so there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Be honest with yourself and make a list. Then work on using your strengths more often and practice ways of improving your weaknesses, if that’s a smart investment in your big dream.

5. Perseverance

The most important thing is never to give up. Don’t lose sight of your “why,” and don’t let anyone get in the way of your ambitions. You’re here for a reason—stick to that reason and don’t stop until you’ve achieved your big dreams. It will be worth it in the end!

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