Taking Action

This report includes powerful tips related to Taking Action. It also includes 3 actionable steps you can take immediately and a list of suggested readings for those looking for even more information.

9/5/20233 min read


This report includes powerful tips related to

Taking Action.

It also includes 3 actionable steps you can take immediately and a list of suggested readings for those looking for even more information.


Success results from achievement which is what happens when you get things done. Instead of allowing procrastination to hinder your progress follow the 10 tips below and discover how you can become a successful action-taker.

1. Set a Goal:
Decide what you want to achieve. Once you know your goal you can devise a plan showing the step-by-step process on how to achieve it. Knowing the outcome and the process will allow you to identify where to start and enable you to take action.

2. Clear Your Mind:
It may sound counter-intuitive but take time at the beginning of your day to mind-dump your thoughts onto paper. Take a piece of paper, and pen and spend 10 minutes writing down everything that comes into your mind (your stream of consciousness). This will clear your mind leaving only the important tasks.

3. Make a List:
Many successful people make a list of things they need to do the evening before. This ensures that they go to bed knowing that they have action points for the following day and the next day starts positively with a road map of what needs to be accomplished.

4. Small Steps:
It’s easier to take action when you set yourself small steps (or tasks) on the way to completing a bigger goal. This is because you will not feel as overwhelmed and as you complete each smaller task you will feel a sense of accomplishment and success.

5. Be Accountable:
Announce your goal to a friend, partner, or colleague. This accountability is a great driver to taking action because you will feel a greater sense of commitment towards the goal and its completion. You will also be able to discuss your progress, and this can help you discuss any potential issues that may hamper your progress and brainstorm ways to overcome them.

6. Remove Distractions:
Turn off your phone, shut down your email and social media sites and get yourself into a situation where you can be undisturbed. Lessening the chances of being interrupted will ensure you have a greater chance of getting in the flow of work and this will help you be more productive.

7. Change Your Mindset:
Be positive and tell yourself that you can and will complete the task. Envision yourself as a successful action-taker. You could create a mind movie of yourself taking action. Make it involve all your senses so that you can really feel, hear, and see yourself working towards your goal, achieving it and then experiencing the positive results of having done so. This Neuro Linguistic Programming technique is very powerful and will program your mind for success.

8. Stop Waiting For The Perfect Time:
It’s easy to wait for the perfect time or situation but the chances are it will never happen. Simply get started and you’ll find that momentum will build, and you will make progress.

9. Be Consistent:
By taking consistent action every day you will make good headway towards achieving your goals. You will also ensure that your action-taking becomes a habit.

10. Remove Analysis Paralysis:
Stop overthinking as it will get you nowhere and actually stop you from taking action as you will find yourself second-guessing and over-worrying. If you know what you need to do, what you are trying to achieve and have the resources needed available then your best course of action is to get started.


1. Start now. Whatever it is you need to do… start right now. There is no perfect time and taking the first step creates action and with that, you can build momentum towards achieving whatever it is you set out to do.

2. Clear your mind. By clearing your mind, you create space, calm and focus. Take a piece of paper and brain-dump everything that you need to do or that comes into your consciousness.

3. Remove all distractions. Turn off your mobile phone, e-mail and social media sites and use the time to start taking action towards achieving your goals.

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