orange flowers


Welcome to Motivated Mum’s hub for Meal Prep, Saving Money & all thinks Simplied!!!

This page is tailored for busy mums navigating the cost of living crisis and wanting to feed their family affordably

Let's begin your journey today.



The first step, if you are a good student, and I know you are .. is to know how deep the hole is (your debt and how much you spend)

The second step is to find out what drives you - (your why) that will stop you when you order that pizza when you don't need to.

Now we get to the THIRD STEP - Get clear.... Find a path, get organized!!!!

So lets do that now...

closeup photo of turned on iPad with rack on table
closeup photo of turned on iPad with rack on table

Week 1

You didn’t come this far to stop

black retractable pen on opened book beside red and white go get'em-printed coffee cup
black retractable pen on opened book beside red and white go get'em-printed coffee cup

Step 1: What is normal

Grab a pieces of paper or open a page of your fav. note app on your phone and write/type.

bread with sunny side-up egg served on white ceramic plate
bread with sunny side-up egg served on white ceramic plate
  • What does each person in the house eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

  • What are your go to, fav, easy meals, recipes. The no brainers that eveyone loves.

Grab a second pieces of paper, or open another page of your fav. note app on your phone and write/type. (you can use a white board - but it means you have to rewrite it again).

This is going to be your shopping list.

Go through all your cupboards, fridge, freezer, garden - do you have enough for the week for breakfast, lunch and snacks.

And finally - shop your cupboards, freezer, freezer and garden for meal dinner ideas and write these down.

Thinking about what meals you can easily make with these things as you go through. Also think of how you can make a meal stretch over a couple of day ie a pot of mince can be bolognes, lasagne, pies, mince on toast etc. That 1 half dead carrot - that can go in the pot, nobody will know. A pot of soup is great for an easy meal, snack or lunch for someone.

If you need anything along the way - This is going to be your shopping list.

I find this is a great time drag the bin over and chuck out all that expired and rotten stuff nobody is going to eat.

Step 2: Get Prepared

Now I dont know about you, but I find that a little white board that sticks on the fridge is invaluable.

I got mine from Kmart for a few dollars or even those pads of paper with a magnet on the back.

It makes it so easy for anyone to quickly see what is for dinner - and maybe start preparing it.

And everyone can write what they might need or running low on...

I know its a joke in our household too. (My rule - its not on the board - I dont buy it).

Simply fill in the days of each meal you have already have, based on your schedule for the week. This is not a competition. Its just dinner.

Nothing fancy, we just need to start thinking differenly. And getting "rid" of what we have already is a big start.

Again keep adding to the shopping list as you go. But only if you have not other option.

clear glass mug with brown liquid
clear glass mug with brown liquid

I tend to pick a day like Sunday.

Where I quickly go through all these steps.

  1. Shop my home,

  2. Shop for what need for the week and

  3. Then meal prep what I can to save time for the week ahead.

  4. Thinking slow cooker, pressure cooker, starting your meals, prep breakfasts, bake snacks, muffins, cakes, tarts - If you can be bothered.

  5. Otherwise you can pat yourself on the back - you made a start.

Some say you can divide the days into baskets that stay in your pantry, or there are all sorts of ways - Pinterest is a minefield for stuff like that.

But simply does it for the first week. As long as I have a general idea, and a bit of a plan. Then its all good for the first week.

Before you go supermarket shopping, if you live in New Zealand.

I use a fab app that you can try.... AND ITS FREE.

It is called "GROCER" and I will put a video up of how to use it.

Mind blown and it saves me heaps - but then I am also lucky to have all the local supermarkets within a 10 drive of each other. Of I check out the local specials in the flyer or online. But dont go balls to the wall just yet. You are doing so well.

Step 3: Go shopping and meal prep for the week.

great value green beans can
great value green beans can

Have a great week 1

Well done I am proud of you for making a start.

Predict the future by creating it

You didn’t come this far to stop

black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile