Becoming More Self Aware

nine powerful tips and three actionable steps you can take immediately when Becoming More Self Aware

3 min read


Do you sometimes feel like you are just going through the motions, living without purpose or meaning? The key to a more fulfilling life is to improve your awareness of who you are and what you stand for. Self-awareness is foundational for personal growth, emotional intelligence, and effective communication. Here are nine proven tips for boosting your self-awareness.

1. Make a List of Your Most Important Values and Beliefs

We often live lives that are out of sync with who we are. Life can get very busy. Not all of our responsibilities align with our important values and beliefs due to our hectic lifestyles. Take some time to write out what really matters to you, the values you hold dear.

2. Write Out and Review Your Goals Every Month

Don't just do this in your head. Take pen and paper in hand and write out your goals every month. Focus on both the short-term and long-term. Then look at your life. Are you moving toward these goals? If not, start living a life more aligned with your goals.

3. Try New Things

If you limit your experiences, you might not be all that you can be. When you try new things, you become more aware of what does and doesn't have importance. Step outside of your comfort zone and expose yourself to new experiences. You'll get a deeper understanding of who you are.

4. Learn to Trust Your Intuition

Our modern world suggests we should pay attention to science, facts, and figures. Then why do we all have that silent inner voice that is sometimes so good at alerting us to dangers or opportunities? Trust your intuition to become more aware of yourself and your world.

5. Review Your Strengths and Weaknesses

What do you do very well? Where could you benefit from improvement? Reviewing your strengths and weaknesses gives you a clear picture of your innate abilities. Then, you can move your life in those directions to experience more happiness and fulfillment rather than frustration and negative emotions.

6. Talk to Your Loved Ones About Your Blind Spots

Your friends, coworkers, family members, and neighbors are sometimes very aware of what you cannot see. Rely on people you respect to give you candid and sometimes critical but objective opinions on your character and behaviors.

7. Practice Active Listening

How does listening to others help build your self-awareness? By focusing entirely on the speaker and tuning into their words, emotions, and body language, you not only become a better listener but also develop a deeper understanding of your own reactions and feelings in response to others.

8. Start Journaling

Start a daily diary. Keep a journal. Write down your thoughts, good and bad. Describe your experiences and the decisions you make every day. Review regularly, and you'll learn a lot about yourself.

9. Practice More Meditation

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, help you become more attuned to your thoughts and feelings in the present moment. You can learn much about yourself when you focus on becoming more present. This increased attention to your internal state can enhance self-awareness.


1. In conversations, make a conscious effort to fully engage with the speaker. Avoid formulating responses while they're still talking. After they've finished, please take a moment to process what they said and observe your initial reactions before responding.

2. Talk to a couple of close friends. Tell them you are trying to become more aware of yourself. Ask them to give objective advice and feedback about who they think you are.

3. Take some time over the next 24 hours to write down your important values. Review them regularly. Then, try to start living a life according to these beliefs.

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